The Shifter Chronicles
Timeless love against an ageless enemy—who will rise victorious?
Join a menagerie of shifters and their allies as they fight for love and their lives against a relentless enemy, bent on their eradication.
Part 1 Beginnings
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“I found this book a refreshing change from other books in this Genre, […] You can see the great respect that these two men have for each other and how it has built up over time into love. These two men seem to be perfect for each other and I’d have to say that this is a genuine romance with a little bit of danger thrown in. If you want a shifter story where it’s not insta mates, insta love and insta sex then this is the book for you.”
—Pixie on MM Good Book Reviews, Psychic Moon
“The fact that the author decided to focus this short on Valentine's Day tickled me pink. Yes, the pun was intended. Xavier had one-night stands and very short relationships, scoffing at the idea of love, before the Knights got ahold of him. And Josh had never had a relationship before Xavier, in fact he was a virgin in all ways. So the thought of these two bumbling through the day of love brought a grin to my face.
I adored this short and I thank the author for giving me a good glimpse into the struggles the guys still had, and the issues and concerns with running the clinic. It was more than these two bungling Valentine's Day. And yes, Xavier and Josh are still my favorites.”
—Christy on Rainbow Book Reviews, Hearts and Minds
“The atmosphere of tension that this war brought into Raphael and Ahmes’s story was entertaining, and the balance the author struck between that facet of the narrative and the more personal LGBTQ-driven romance narratives found on both sides of the story was truly inspiring. The way the author mirrored the coming out process that many LGBTQ people have to undergo and the confusion and even hostility both from family and from themselves with the evolution of Raphael’s story of coming to terms with his wolf spirit was emotional and drove me as a reader forward, eager to watch the emotional evolution of the character as well.”
—Anthony Avina on Author Anthony Avina’s Blog, Red Sun