Saga of the Bold People
Leopold is a human in an alien-dominated InterGalactic Community. He gained a reputation as the assassin Voidstriker, until his identity was revealed. He soon finds himself reassessing his life, his mission, and his own identity. Having spent his entire life driven by hate and fear, he soon finds himself motivated by hope and love. He decides on a new mission in life: freeing the human species.
It will be a long, hard road, and one he can't walk alone. Even as his allies grow in number, he will most depend on his mates--Mastrodai, the mrrog prince, and Alexandra, a fellow human, his best friend, and their lover. Along with Sasha, a young girl with extraordinary abilities. Leopold is no stranger to challenges but this might be his greatest trial yet.
Saga of the Bold People

“If you’d been this solicitous to me in the beginning, I might not have punched you in the d*ck and run away.”
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“I so rarely read science fiction stories, that it’s always an exciting treat for me when I find one like this that has such vast scope, intriguing characters, and complex world building. It was much longer than most books I read (about twice as long), so I was immersed in this universe for quite some time and did grow attached to both Leopold and Mastrodai. There were also supporting characters who caught my attention, and my curiosity is thoroughly piqued to see where the author goes with this saga.”
—Carra, Making it Happen book blog, Leopold