A Warrior’s Redemption
What does it truly mean to be redeemed?
Lance, formerly known as Scourge, hopes to answer that question. His journey will take him all over the Nifdem Empire, and along the way he will meet friends and foes alike. With him travels his best friend and great love, Gust, a talented and compassionate healer, and his loyal stallion, Brutus. The three of them will unknowingly set into motion a chain of events that will change their homeland forever. They must trust in themselves and in each other if they hope to make it out alive.
A Warrior's Redemption

“I should die. I’m a monster. Stupid to hope I could be something else.”
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“It was so heartwarming to watch as Lance learned that he was more than a killing machine and that he wanted to prove he was a different man. Unfortunately like always happens once people learn who he is they will no doubt turn against him. My mother used to say it doesn’t matter what you did for me yesterday it only matters what you do for me today, so true and so sad.
I know that some people might find this book a little slow moving but it was just a beautiful story about an infant changing a man’s life and a healer who he begins to fall for. Of course there is no sex and poor Lance has no idea what he is feeling when he is with Gust but hopefully that will change since there are two more books in the series.”
—Linda, Paranormal Romance Guild, on Healing Lance
“I highly recommend reading this entire series in order to fully understand the relationship between Gust and Lance and how Lance became a killing machine. I am sure that you will love Gust and Lance as much as I do. How can you not root for a man who is putting his murderous past behind him in order to protect people from someone like he used to be?”
—Linda, Paranormal Romance Guild, on Forgiving Lance
“A Warrior’s Redemption is a journey to discovery, and both the main characters and the secondary characters were wonderful. I can’t recommend this series highly enough.”
—Linda, Paranormal Romance Guild, on Avenging Lance