On Wings Saga
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Angels and demons have been mortal enemies for eons... but should they be?
It will take the mighty dragon Asagoroth and his beloved angel to lead the way into a new world.
On Wings Saga

“We are meant to be together. Always and forever. You are my angel. I am your dragon.”
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“If you like epic tales that combine existing legends and myths into a new whole, if you believe that opposites attract for a reason, and if you’re looking for an action-packed read full of love, betrayal, discoveries, and a perfect ending that is just the beginning, then you will probably like this novella as much as I do. It’s as entertaining as it is thought-provoking!”
— Serena Yates, Rainbow Book Reviews, On Wings of Thunder
“[On Wings of Passion] managed to suck me in from page one and give me that feeling of coming home, after being gone for too long. That feeling of seeing a friend or family member that you've been away from for years, and suddenly finding that nothing has changed; the years feel like days and that old chemistry and affection is still there. That's what On Wings of Passion is. It's the prequel that On Wings of Thunder deserved; it's the story that all the fans of the first book desperately wanted to read; and it's the beautiful and tragic love that Roland deserved.”
— Elaine White, Divine Magazine, On Wings of Passion