Predator and Prey


Scrolls Book 3

Vietnam War vet turned deep-sea treasure hunter Digger Sullivan scratches out a living, and this new commission is just another job—albeit an exciting one—off the Florida coast in 1977. But while exploring the area, Digger and his crew encounter one shark too many.

Reef and his shark shifter clan are charged with protecting a vital, magical secret—two of four scrolls that, when brought together, could annihilate shifters across the world. But Reef can’t keep his head in the game around this intriguing diver, and it’s not long before Digger takes one of the scrolls topside. Reef now has two missions: seduce Digger and recapture the scroll. Despite his attraction to Digger, Reef’s priority must be reclaiming the scroll.

For Digger’s part, he can’t keep his eyes off the flirty young man on his boat. While he doesn’t know what Reef could want with a scarred old vet, he’s not going to pass up an opportunity of pleasure. Unfortunately for Reef, he loses sight of his duty and all his plans go awry. Then Digger’s crew is captured by the very person who commissioned them, and Reef and his shark clan are the only things standing between them and death.

Pairing: MM

Print edition available at Amazon.


Scrolls Book 3

Vietnam War vet turned deep-sea treasure hunter Digger Sullivan scratches out a living, and this new commission is just another job—albeit an exciting one—off the Florida coast in 1977. But while exploring the area, Digger and his crew encounter one shark too many.

Reef and his shark shifter clan are charged with protecting a vital, magical secret—two of four scrolls that, when brought together, could annihilate shifters across the world. But Reef can’t keep his head in the game around this intriguing diver, and it’s not long before Digger takes one of the scrolls topside. Reef now has two missions: seduce Digger and recapture the scroll. Despite his attraction to Digger, Reef’s priority must be reclaiming the scroll.

For Digger’s part, he can’t keep his eyes off the flirty young man on his boat. While he doesn’t know what Reef could want with a scarred old vet, he’s not going to pass up an opportunity of pleasure. Unfortunately for Reef, he loses sight of his duty and all his plans go awry. Then Digger’s crew is captured by the very person who commissioned them, and Reef and his shark clan are the only things standing between them and death.

Pairing: MM

Print edition available at Amazon.

Scrolls Book 3

Vietnam War vet turned deep-sea treasure hunter Digger Sullivan scratches out a living, and this new commission is just another job—albeit an exciting one—off the Florida coast in 1977. But while exploring the area, Digger and his crew encounter one shark too many.

Reef and his shark shifter clan are charged with protecting a vital, magical secret—two of four scrolls that, when brought together, could annihilate shifters across the world. But Reef can’t keep his head in the game around this intriguing diver, and it’s not long before Digger takes one of the scrolls topside. Reef now has two missions: seduce Digger and recapture the scroll. Despite his attraction to Digger, Reef’s priority must be reclaiming the scroll.

For Digger’s part, he can’t keep his eyes off the flirty young man on his boat. While he doesn’t know what Reef could want with a scarred old vet, he’s not going to pass up an opportunity of pleasure. Unfortunately for Reef, he loses sight of his duty and all his plans go awry. Then Digger’s crew is captured by the very person who commissioned them, and Reef and his shark clan are the only things standing between them and death.

Pairing: MM

Print edition available at Amazon.


“The lights!” Digger said.

Kevin and Felipe flicked on the large spotlights and scanned the waters. It wasn’t long before the light flickered on something pale in the water.

“Put it back.” Digger pointed. “Put it back over there.”

Felipe followed orders and swung the light back around. What it illuminated made everyone freeze in shock. A pale, naked man was floating facedown in the water.

“How—” Hook started but then he let off with a cry when Digger dove into the water. The sudden motion jerked everyone into action. They turned on more lights and directed them at the motionless man and their captain, who swam straight and sure through the dark night waters. Jewel dashed below to grab blankets while Angie threw a rescue donut attached to a rope into the water. Kevin and Felipe kept the lights trained on their captain.

Digger quickly reached the man and flipped him over, slipping an arm under his chin. He turned back to the boat, thankful it was summer and he was at the surface. The temperature was mild but carting the dead weight of the man through the water taxed him. How long had the man been in the water? And why the hell was he naked? Digger gripped the donut and Angie and Felipe pulled on the rope, reeling them both in. He didn’t think before he dove into the water. One minute he was on the deck and the next the sensation of swimming in inky black water with the unknown lurking beneath made him grimace in agitation. He gritted his teeth, trying not to dwell on the fact that the man in his arms wasn’t breathing.

Digger’s entire crew helped drag him and the naked man onto the boat. He shivered as a wind rose up and accepted the blanket Jewel draped over his shoulders. Angie wrapped the rest around the man before she bent to give him CPR. She managed to give him only one breath before his eyes popped open and he began coughing and gagging. Angie rolled him onto his side as he sucked in air, and Digger closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. Thank God.

Soaking wet and shivering slightly, Digger pulled the blanket tighter around his shoulders and could only ride the wave of relief that flooded inside him. It’d been a while since he’d saved anyone’s life, and this wasn’t even in a war. Just an odd, random occurrence.

“Sarge?” Hook gripped his shoulder.

Digger grunted before opening his eyes. He considered the man who was now sitting up, wrapped tightly in several blankets. Jewel and Angie each had a shoulder and were rubbing his back and arms. The man wasn’t very old, if Digger was any judge. He couldn’t have been older than midtwenties, and Digger remembered his body was slender, his skin cold. And where the hell had he come from?

The spotlights glared off pale skin with a strange, almost translucent quality, and Digger gave a start when he realized the man’s hair was silver. Not blond, not gray, but freaking silver. How was that even possible?

Then the man opened his eyes and a sharp black gaze met Digger’s. A zing of familiarity pinged inside Digger before quickly fading. There was no reason for it; he’d never seen this man in his life. He wasn’t a forgettable one. The man continued to stare at Digger though, breathing heavily, shivering now and then. Digger couldn’t read what was in those black eyes but he was intrigued despite himself.

“Can you tell us your name?” Jewel asked.

The man jerked slightly at her voice and glanced at her. Digger looked away, realizing his gaze had been held captive. Mentally cursing himself an old fool, Digger struggled to his feet. Hook grabbed his arm to steady him.

The man turned back to watch him, a puzzled expression on his face.

“My name is Reef.” His smooth voice was pleasant to hear.

Digger raised an eyebrow.

“Reef?” Angie scoffed. “What sort of pansy name is that?”

“Angie!” Jewel scolded.

“Calls them like I sees them.” She stood and walked below decks.

Reef watched her go and Digger thought he looked amused rather than insulted.

“I’m sorry, Reef,” Jewel said, continuing to rub his back. “She’s a foul person on her best days.”

Reef shrugged. “It’s my name and I like it. No one else has to.”

Digger smiled. “Good sentiment for most things in life.”

Reef returned his attention to Digger, and Digger realized he wanted it to stay there. Old fool. What would a young buck want with you? You’re twice his age!

“Where’s your boat, kid?” Hook demanded. “Your clothes? One would think you’d just bubbled up from the depths.”

For a moment a look of panic seemed to cross Reef’s face but then it was gone, and his expression was smooth and unaffected. Digger wondered if he’d imagined it.

“Give it a rest, Hook,” Jewel said as she started to help Reef to his feet. “Hasn’t he been through enough? Are you hungry, Reef? Thirsty?”

“I’m fine. I just—” He suddenly gripped his head and wobbled. Digger found himself by Reef’s side, supporting him as Jewel was doing. His own blanket fluttered to the deck as his focus centered entirely on Reef.

“Sarge, don’t you think we deserve some answers?”

“In the morning is early enough, Hook.”

Hook scowled and part of Digger was surprised by his sudden defense of a stranger. But when Reef leaned into him and his unique scent filled Digger’s nose, an urge to protect overcame him. The feeling intensified when he realized Reef couldn’t be taller than five feet and that, added to his slender form, made him appear fragile. Then another feeling rose up, one he hadn’t felt in years, despite his attempts to pleasure himself. He even purchased lube just in case his body ever surged back to life. He welcomed it, relieved the war didn’t take away his sexual drive, as it had some men’s. But most of him was wary of it as it caused him to forget his control and lower his guard.

But then Reef looked up at him, gaze steady and direct, and smiled. It wasn’t a smile of puppy dogs and kittens, but one that a shark might give potential prey. A challenging, hungry smile, and it shot a bolt of lust straight to Digger’s gut. He reassessed his initial thought that Reef was fragile. There was steel in that gaze. Unconsciously, he tightened his grip on Reef’s arm, and Reef’s smile became knowing even as he looked away. With help from Jewel, they managed to get Reef below decks.

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