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“This is a short, sweet, fun little book with deft world building and excellent chemistry — not only between Elias and Gurrkk, but Elias and his brother, as well. Elias, as the sweet, chubby, soft-hearted young priest could easily have fallen into a stereotypical trope, but the author keeps him bright, energetic, and always curious. He works hard, but for all his smiles and sweetness, he’s neither naive nor feckless. Elias is an interesting character, and I’d like to see more of him.”
—Elizabeth, Joyfully Jay, on A Priest, a Plague, and a Prophecy
“I am not a history buff, at least not to the same extent as many people, but the idea of being able to learn about the customs and lifestyle of Ancient Rome from someone who lived it, struck me as just as interesting as it did Vulcan. The fact that Cassius is the oldest vampire Vulcan has met or even heard of makes his fascination even stronger. Pair Vulcan's love of history with Cassius's appreciation of an intelligent human who truly respects his country, along with an attraction that is off the charts, and "Eye of the Beholder" smoldered from page one.”
— Christy Duke, Rainbow Book Reviews, on Eye of the Beholder