The Story Behind The Stories

Red Sun - Character Profile - Gregor

Red Sun - Character Profile - Gregor

I think this book has the most time spent in his point of view as he chases Raphael and Ahmes, determined to collect Raphael’s blood for a spell that Arcas needs to cast. I took my time with his scenes, wanting to add more depth to him but also display the quiet madness of his devotion. He believes with all his heart that what he’s doing is right and that Arcas will be victorious in the end. I pity him, actually. His mind has been so warped by Arcas that pleasing him is Gregor’s only purpose in life.

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Red Sun - Character Profile - Ahmes

Red Sun - Character Profile - Ahmes

When I set out to write this story, Ahmes took time to develop. I think I had a draft written that I ended up discarding and rewriting. I needed Ahmes to have opposite and complementary elements to Raphael. Opposite in his age, maturity, and peace with how and what he is, a cat shifter, and complementary in his gentle and protective nature, and easy-going attitude. He was supportive of Raphael from the very start and never wavered in his determination to set his friend on the right path.

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Red Sun - Character Profile - Raphael

Red Sun - Character Profile - Raphael

So… Raphael. Sweet, sweet Raphael. He’s gone through quite the transformation since I first envisioned the series and knew I wanted to write about an “unusual” wolf shifter. And the changes I made to him, in turn, changed the story. For the better. He started out as an older man haunted by the beast within him and became a young man struggling to find his identity. I think this might be the closest to a “coming of age” story that I’ve written so far. That wasn’t intentional but considering the structure of the story, it was a natural fit.

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Legacy - Character Profile -Mastrodai

Legacy - Character Profile -Mastrodai

The biggest change from book one to book two is the inclusion of Mastrodai’s point of view. Mastrodai is Leopold’s alien lover and quasi-master (if you read the first book, you know what I mean). This was one of the greater challenges that came with the sequel. While I certainly had a solid idea of who Mastrodai was in the first book, I was forced to stop and consider his thoughts and his own struggles, ones that Leopold might not be privy to.

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Legacy - Character Profile - Leopold

Legacy - Character Profile - Leopold

Legacy is book two in my “Saga of the Bold People” 6-book sci-fi/romance series, and the follow-up to my amazingly popular “Leopold.” I am thrilled to finally be able to present it, and I can say that much sweat, blood, and toil went into this one. While “Leopold” took me nearly a decade to finish, “Legacy” was about a year. I think. Hard to keep track sometimes. And they are basically the same length! Whew.

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Song of Flames - About the Story

Song of Flames - About the Story

As with most of my books, this story has been kicking around in my head for a while. It went through a lot of updates once I started writing it. But one thing that always remained the same was the opening chapter, where Venya climbs up a cliff and wakes her dragons. It amused me to play on the old trope of a thief stealing a piece of treasure from a dragon, thereby awakening that dragon’s ire.

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Healing Lance - Storytelling with Song

Healing Lance - Storytelling with Song

Storytelling. As far as I know, no other creature in the animal kingdom tells stories the way humans do. Stories can entertain us, teach us lessons, impart information, etc. Where would we be without stories? Without books, plays, movies, TV shows, even songs? I love myself a good concept album from a talented songwriter.

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Eye of the Beholder - Evolution of Story

Eye of the Beholder - Evolution of Story

To celebrate Eye of the Beholder, I wanted to talk a little about the evolution of the story. I enjoy vampires at times but I’m not obsessed with them like some people are. However, this story has been on the backburner for years and after four or five complete rewrites I decided I wanted to fix it up and finally release it.

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A Priest, a Plague, and a Prophecy - About This Story

A Priest, a Plague, and a Prophecy - About This Story

A Priest, a Plague, and a Prophecy is a single title involving a sweet man who enjoys food, plants, and books, and the manly (secretly sweet) orc warrior who falls in love with him. I am thrilled to finally publish this story. This is a sweet, low(er)-angst, no-sexy-times-but-lots-of-snuggles, sort of story. Elias is ace but wants romance, and Gurrkk is just the orc to give that to him!

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Healing Lance Character Profile - Gust

Healing Lance Character Profile - Gust

While I always have affection for every character I create, whether hero or villain, I have to say that I was delightfully surprised and gratified with the final incarnation of Gust. You could say that Gust is Lance’s “better half” (Lance certainly would). Gust is a healer, and his compassion, patience, and fortitude are admirable.

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