The Story Behind The Stories

Healing Lance - Writing the Story

Healing Lance - Writing the Story

The final version of this story was not an easy thing to achieve. The first draft was decent but minimal. It was short and straight to the point. Then I wrote the second book and realized what I needed to add to the first. So I went back and tweaked. Then I wrote the third book and realized I had even more to add to the first. So, really, “Healing Lance” wasn’t done until I’d finished “Avenging Lance.”

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Healing Lance - Quick Facts

Healing Lance - Quick Facts

I wanted to write a story about forgiveness, redemption, and compassion. I wanted to create a story about finding oneself and understanding one’s purpose. Lance’s life sort of gets a “reset” after he breaks out of the numb funk he’d lived in for most of his life. Now he has to confront all he’s done and atone.

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Song of Flames - About the Story

Song of Flames - About the Story

As with most of my books, this story has been kicking around in my head for a while. It went through a lot of updates once I started writing it. But one thing that always remained the same was the opening chapter, where Venya climbs up a cliff and wakes her dragons. It amused me to play on the old trope of a thief stealing a piece of treasure from a dragon, thereby awakening that dragon’s ire.

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Healing Lance - Storytelling with Song

Healing Lance - Storytelling with Song

Storytelling. As far as I know, no other creature in the animal kingdom tells stories the way humans do. Stories can entertain us, teach us lessons, impart information, etc. Where would we be without stories? Without books, plays, movies, TV shows, even songs? I love myself a good concept album from a talented songwriter.

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A Priest, a Plague, and a Prophecy - About This Story

A Priest, a Plague, and a Prophecy - About This Story

A Priest, a Plague, and a Prophecy is a single title involving a sweet man who enjoys food, plants, and books, and the manly (secretly sweet) orc warrior who falls in love with him. I am thrilled to finally publish this story. This is a sweet, low(er)-angst, no-sexy-times-but-lots-of-snuggles, sort of story. Elias is ace but wants romance, and Gurrkk is just the orc to give that to him!

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Healing Lance Character Profile - Gust

Healing Lance Character Profile - Gust

While I always have affection for every character I create, whether hero or villain, I have to say that I was delightfully surprised and gratified with the final incarnation of Gust. You could say that Gust is Lance’s “better half” (Lance certainly would). Gust is a healer, and his compassion, patience, and fortitude are admirable.

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Healing Lance Character Profile - Lance

Healing Lance Character Profile - Lance

I have always been interested with the dichotomy between villain and hero. Sometimes the difference is minute and the separating line is thin. Lance is equal parts victim and victimizer. He’s villain and hero. Throughout the trilogy, I explore the two sides as Lance himself tries to understand who he is and who he wants to be.

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Throwback Thursday - A Giant’s Friend

Throwback Thursday - A Giant’s Friend

Well, while it’s not really Thursday I’d still like to spotlight one of my earlier books that doesn’t always get enough attention. My very first published book, A Giant’s Friend, is a novella that holds a special place in my heart. It opened the world of publishing for me. However, since it was my first, it wasn’t my best. It was still a bit rough, and I should have spent more time cultivating the story.

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Author Interview: Writing Process

Author Interview: Writing Process

For me, inspiration comes in every form—from movies, to books, to daily life, to stray thoughts of “what if?” So once I have the inspiration, I let it simmer and make some notes. I have notepads in every room of my home and even some at my day job, so I am never without the ability to jot down my thoughts.

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